#kisaki chihiro
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memrysetls · 7 months ago
On Air - Introduction
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On Air! (オンエア!) was a joseimuke mobile game about aspiring voice actors released by Coly, aka the developers of Mahoyaku/Promise of Wizard, Stand My Heroes and Break My Case. It was active from 2018-2020, and EOSed not long after its second anniversary. Ever since it released, On Air has been one of my favourite games of all time, and with the Switch port being released I want to try and renew some interest in it! (Do I recommend buying the Switch port? No we archived all the stories before the original game shut down so you should not pay money unless you're crazy like me. Do I think you should read the stories for free and love the characters? Yes!)
In On Air, you play as Amane Hikari, an honours student at Hoseki Gaoka (usually translated as Jewellery Hill School). There are 29 students and 1 teacher whose cards you can collect, divided into 6 units. The game has a jewel motif: as well as the school's name, each character has their own representative jewel. In accordance with it being a seiyuu-themed game, almost every part of OA was fully voiced. Every story, every mini interaction. You know how games like Bandori have those mini character interactions on the map? OA has 1578 of those, and every single one is voiced. They were kind of crazy for that.
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OA had really charming characters and art - there's a reason part of the fandom is still around 4 years after EOS! The crowdfunding for the Switch port raised 10x the initial goal. That is how much people wanted this game back. Other than that it also had the funniest guy ever created: Aoyagi Mikado. I would like everybody to know about him.
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I'm going to be using this blog to translate a whole bunch of things for the game - it's unlikely we'll ever see a sequel to the game or anything, but maybe if Western interest keeps up it'll randomly get an official English release months down the line like Ichu did?
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gachagachaart · 11 months ago
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dvdhappycom · 1 year ago
スラット スシ 5
スラット スシ 5 スタジオ: Nippon 更新日: 2023/10/27 時間: - 女優: Chihiro Nishikawa Julie Kisaragi Aya Kisaki Nanami Mizusaki ***********************************
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【DVDハッピー】 https://dvd-happy.com/ ストリーミング・ダウンロード・DVD $1.49~ 正規品最安値保障 ***********************************
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qqyw2wd9 · 1 year ago
スラット スシ 5
スラット スシ 5 スタジオ: Nippon 更新日: 2023/10/27 時間: - 女優: Chihiro Nishikawa Julie Kisaragi Aya Kisaki Nanami Mizusaki ***********************************
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【DVD村】 https://uradvd-mura.com/ ストリーミング・ダウンロード・DVD 大手メーカーから個人撮影まで $1.49~ ***********************************
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cklaick · 1 year ago
スラット スシ 5
スラット スシ 5 スタジオ: Nippon 更新日: 2023/10/27 時間: - 女優: Chihiro Nishikawa Julie Kisaragi Aya Kisaki Nanami Mizusaki ***********************************
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【DVDプラス】 https://uradvd-plus.com/ ストリーミング・ダウンロード・DVD 激レア・期間限定品あり $1.99~ ***********************************
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kendawk · 1 year ago
スラット スシ 5
スラット スシ 5 スタジオ: Nippon 更新日: 2023/10/27 時間: - 女優: Chihiro Nishikawa Julie Kisaragi Aya Kisaki Nanami Mizusaki ***********************************
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【DVDハッピー】 https://dvd-happy.com/ ストリーミング・ダウンロード・DVD $1.49~ 正規品最安値保障 ***********************************
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brightersoul2 · 6 years ago
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~Eternal Promises; A Vow to You~ event has started!!
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miwatomoes · 6 years ago
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On Air! Icons. ☆
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ksssssssa · 6 years ago
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kisarako · 7 years ago
“Now On Air!” Lyrics (Kanji, Romaji, English)
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Kanji, Romaji and English under the cut!
All right  届け この声 オンエア!
All right todoke kono koe On Air!
All right Deliver this voice On Air!
Akogare ga kodō suru
Longing for the beat
(free now)
Wakuwaku ga tomaranai
The excitement just can’t stop
Koe no mahō o kakeru yo
I’ll cast a spell with my voice
(goin now)
Sekai o kaeru no sa
Change the world
Fly so high
Dokidoki suru no wa
My heart’s beating
Honki no shōko sa
This is evidence of my seriousness
Kumo o tsukinuke
Piercing through the clouds
Isshou ni ikou
Let’s go together
君に届けMy Jewelry Voice
Kimi ni todoke My Jewelry Voice
Let My Jewelry Voice reach you
Karadajū de hibikaseru yo
It resonates within my body
時に強く(so cool!)
Tokini tsuyoku (so cool!)
Sometimes strong (so cool!)
時に甘く(so sweet!)
Tokini amaku (so sweet!)
Sometimes sweet (so sweet!)
Setsunai tōn de
With a melancholic tone
さぁ 高く高く 羽ばたけ
Sa~a takaku takaku habatake
Now, we’ll flap our wings higher, higher
どんな困難だって 超えるさ
Don'na kabe datte koeru sa
Overcoming all difficulties
諦めない(Yes fly!)
Akiramenai (Yes fly!)
Don’t give up (Yes fly!)
何度だって(Yes play)
Nando datte (Yes play)
As long as it takes (Yes play)
真っ直ぐ 挑むよ
Massugu idomu yo
I’ll challenge it head on
Are you ready?
All right  届け この声 オンエア!
All right todoke kono koe On Air!
All right Deliver this voice On Air!
I’m not the most fluent in Japanese, so please let me know if you found a mistake! 
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otome-is-heaven · 7 years ago
On Air ( オンエア! )  │ All Units voices
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cruger2984 · 5 years ago
On-Air and its Saints - Prid’s
"The top doesn't give up. Not now, not ever."
With On-Air is going to bid farewell and ends its service on the 30th of October, I just had to make this one for my latest installment of the 'and its Saints' series with the boys of Hoseki Gaoka. I will start off with the boys from Prid's!
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March 27 - Momose Sakurai
St. Rupert of Salzburg: 8th century Austrian bishop who is the first Bishop of Salzburg and abbot of St. Peter's in Salzburg, and was the contemporary of King Childebert III. By the end of the 7th century, the Agilolfing duke Theodo of Bavaria requested that he come to his residence at Regensburg (Ratisbon) to help spread the Christian faith among the Bavarian tribes. In Christian art, he depicted with a barrel of salt in his hand, thus he is the patron saint of salt miners.
October 31 - Nanao Kichijo
St. Alphonsus Rodriguez: Spanish Jesuit lay brother and confessor. Years after his death in 1617, he was declared venerable in 1626. He was chosen by the Council General of Majorca as one of the special patrons of the city and island in 1633. After his canonization by Pope Leo XIII, his major shrine can be found in Palma, Majorca, Spain.
April 22 - Chihiro and Hotaru Kisaki
Sts. Epipodius and Alexander: Both of them are venerated by the Church as saints. Both have received the crown of martyrdom during the reign of Marcus Aurelius in 178 AD. Their major shrine can be found in the Lyon Cathedral at Place Saint-Jean in Lyon, France.
February 17 - Aoi Isshiki
The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order: The seven holy founders consisted of Alexis Falconieri, Amadeus of the Amidei, Hugh dei Lippi Uggucioni, Benedetto dell' Antella, Gherardino di Sostegno, Buonfiglio dei Monaldi and Giovanni di Buonagiunta. On January 1888, Pope Leo XIII canonized all seven of them, and their feast was inserted in the General Roman Calendar for celebration on 11 February, the anniversary of the granting of canonical approval to the order in 1304. In the 1969 revision of the calendar, February 17, the date of death of Alexis Falconieri was judged to be more appropriate.
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now-onair · 5 years ago
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Limited Gacha
~Meow Meow Cat's Day Festival!~
SSR [Great Struggle of a Whimsical Cat] Chihiro Kisaki
SR [Found a Lost Cat] An Hashikura
R [Meow Meow!] Outa Tachibana
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areyoucheery · 7 years ago
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supersonicart · 3 years ago
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“Ephemeral~ Territory of Girls 2021” at Jiro Miura Gallery.
A selection of work from the phenomenal group exhibition, “Territory of Girls,” on view at Jiro Miura Gallery in Tokyo.
The exhibition features work by Kaori Aoki, Momoko Akaike, Jana Brike, Amy Crehore, Olga Esther, Yuko Fukase, Ai Gonoi, Atsuko Goto, Mao Hamaguchi, Kumiko Higami, Miho Hirano, Miki Kato, Audrey Kawasaki, Rie Kawabe, Atsuko Kitoh, Kisaki yaya, Chihiro Kogure, Kozue Kuroki, Kimi Kuruhara, Satomi Kuwahara, Selena Leardini, Tracy Lewis, Hiroko Maki, Shiori Matsumoto, Miro Meguro, Kana Miyamoto, Yu Miyazaki, Margaret Morales, Virginia Mori, Yuko Murai, Yuko Nagami, Yuki Nagayoshi, Yumi Nakai, Ochopi, Kaori Ogawa, Yuka Sakuma, Harumi Shinozuka, Kazune Shintaku, Makiko Sugawa, Minae Takada, Tsubaki Torii, Yuki Toyonaga, Fuco Ueda, Masumi Yamamoto and Chie Yoshii.
Visit Jiro Miura Gallery for more information.
Follow on Instagram!
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rosemaryblossoms · 3 years ago
So I made an au for Tokyo revengers and it is a crossover with the Walten files, I had much fun making this, also I would like to point out some things,
1. Shinichiro is alive and still works at his bike shop
2. Grandpa Sano past away and is in peace (fly high😔🕊)
3. Mucho is alive and works with sanzu at a cafe that is famous for their cheesecake
4. Sanzu has white hair faded with rosy pink
5. I added some oc’s to help with the story line
6. Time settings 1980’s-2000’s but the diner open somewhere in the 2000’s
7. (This one is important) the story line is like the Walten files but with a few twists
8. The plane incident with sanzu and Mikey did not happen but sanzu got into a car crash which caused him not only get a mouth injury (like ticci Toby from creepypasta) and sanzu feeling uneasy in cars also he is not a drug attic but don’t worry he still has crazy goblin energy.
So anyways here is the animatronics: Danny the dog, Becca the bunny, Taiga the tiger, Hyde the hyena, and Dolly the dog. I will give more post about them, other characters, and the au it’s self.
Main characters:
Kisaki Tetta/ Felix Kranken
Manjiro “Mikey” Sano/ Jack Walten
Suna “Sue”Jack (oc)/Rosemary Walten
Marco and Mirabelle (oc)/ Edd and Molly
Kazutora Hanemiya/ Susan Woodings
Hanma Shuji/ Charles
Emma Sano/ Ashly Parks
Sora Sano (oc)/ Sophie Walten
Chihiro “Hiro” Kakashi (oc)/Jenny
Chifuyu Matsuno/ Brian Stells
Takemichi Hanagaki
Naoto Tachibana
Iris Fey “Mrs Tetta”/ Linda Thompson “Kranken”
𝙼𝔦𝕔🅗🄰ℯ𝐋 ? ? ? /?????????
Once again I will post more About “Tokyo Files” aka the au more later on so you can learn more and if you want I can post requests about my au.
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